Monday, July 12, 2010

What are some good research topic questions [Biology]?

What are some good biology research topic questions? Or it could be anything science related.

I been looking for a research topic question or awhile and the ones I wanted were taken. So I guess I'm open to any research topic questions that is science related.

List as many as you can just in case another question I wanted gets taken.

The best research topic question will receive points. ^_^

What are some good research topic questions [Biology]?
For a science fair project?

Enzymatic reactions using potatos

Bacteriological examination of water (you could take pond water and look at it under the microscope)

cell cycle

aerobic vs. anaerobic resperation


Dissection (frog, fetal pig, cat)

Cancer cells


Brain functions

I dunno some stuff to think about
Reply:Pharmacogenomics and the development of tailor made drugs.

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