Friday, July 16, 2010

What is a good research topic for school... it can be anything?

I have to do a research project in school and i want it to be really fun and like the best one! I dont know what to do.. help?

What is a good research topic for school... it can be anything?
It is easier to do something that is interesting to YOU. Go to the library and browse books until you find a subject you like. Make sure you can at least find 5-10 books on the subject.
Reply:Check this site. It lays it out quite nicely on how you can come up with a good idea
Reply:the paranormal....BOOO:OOOOOOO
Reply:Space and Astronomy
Reply:What about doing the research on the origin of your favorite hobby??
Reply:Do you have a hobby or something that you really like or think might be interesting? Start there. Of course you can ask for suggestions on how to do a project based on one of your interests. But it does need to have meaning to you, not us.
Reply:Superstitions, Myths and Legends.
Reply:what about looking into the potential fuel source provided by our nation's agriculture and how its success might impact our nation's political climate, the price of oil based fuel, the environment, and the war in Iraq.

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