Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Im doing a research paper on commnictaions, need help with specific topic in commnications, for my teacher?

i need a good research topic in communication's , hat going to b different from my other classmates and my my proffesor will enjoy

Im doing a research paper on commnictaions, need help with specific topic in commnications, for my teacher?
What about cave paintings, graffiti, petroglyphs, foreigh language bill boards? Point is that there is some message in each but also there is a world of anthropological information if we can understand it. What's more as we bring this understanding into the present and look for the changes in our language, we can see similar information about ourselves. Compare the Oxford English dictionary from1900 with 2000.

Alternately, the means by which we communicate have changed amazingly and easily speak to changes in our culture.
Reply:Here's a great place to start. Pick a subject that interestes you, then click deeper to find a wealth of books and articles that will provide you with excellent research material.
Reply:apart from what others have mentioned, how about trying someting on 'barriers in communication,' which would take into account various social, psychological and contextual factors responsible for hampering the intended interpretation of the message by the sender.

All the best.
Reply:Do one on on the topic of how people can still communicate with each other through the written word, even when their spelling and grammar are atrocious. Have the written report contain a myriad of spelling errors as a form of irony.
Reply:how about dabbling with sign language as a means of communication? learning the signs is not only interesting, going through the actual sign language is exciting. the more it becomes totally engrossing when you write about the whole process of engaging each other through signs - deciphering the gestures and answering with equivalent signals.
Reply:first you need to learn how to use

spell check on your computer or at least learn how to spell the word..... Communications (mine) commnictaions (yours),

or take a typing course. Sorry, but that is what I read into your question.
Reply:The two responses I saw both sounded good. I have another.

You can trace the modes of communication for travelers, RVers in their RV's as they travel the US and Canada. How do they communicate with family, friends %26amp; businesses they deal with? Boaters who live aboard and cruise U.S., Canadian and Mexican coastal waters.... how do they communicate with family, friends %26amp; businesses.

Communication is vital... to receiving communications from businesses so you can pay your bills... and with family %26amp; friends to tell them of your adventures %26amp; let them know you are still alive and well and safe. It's challenging!

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