Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are three good main topics for a persausive stem cell research speech?

I actually just finished giving my persuasive speech (for speech class)...

How about:

-What is stem cell research (ex. what it is, what it does..etc)

-Problems/controversy that arise with stem cell research (ex. today in the modern world, religious views, political views..etc)

-where/how it first started and/or who first performed/introduced stem cell research

-important people associated with stem cell research

-Pros and Cons of stem cell research (benefits and disadvantages)

-Its affect in the future (the future outlook on stem cell research)

-Your personal views/opinions on stem cell research (or if any, a personal experience)

Hope that helps!

What are three good main topics for a persausive stem cell research speech?
are you for or against? That would effect the sentences.

Stem Cell research can help save lives.

Stem Cell research can help to cure otherwise incurable diseases (referencing the un-cooth previous comment)

Stem Cell research furthers understanding of the human body.
Reply:Super man---Less bio waste at the abortion clinic-----Michael J-Fox can win a staring contest.

tooth bleaching

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