Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Please help chose between these two Psychology research topics?

I'm doing this course I have little interest in. Anyway, I have to develop a research project that I DO NOT have to do the research on...but it will be critiqued and graded. There needs to be dependent and independent variables, one is measured and the other is one that is manipulated. Here are the two I've come up with - with people's help. Can you please tell me: Which one you like better??

What problems I might face with these???

And any advice???

1. Do people recall words/information better if it is concrete (table, chair, monkey) as opposed to abstract (large, fast, busy)?

2. Does taking Omega fatty acids improve memory or not?

Please help chose between these two Psychology research topics?
Just my opinion but ...

The first one is boring. It's been done a million times and the answer is concrete. There may be ways to make it more interesting (e.g., looking at brain scans while people do the task), but I would rank this second.

The second one probably has less existing research on it, so it would be more interesting. It also has more obvious practical importance. (Not that practical importance is everything, but it can make the paper easier to write.) The main problem is narrowing down "memory." Is it short term or long term? Is it declarative (memory for facts) or procedural (memory for skills)?

So I vote for Number 2.
Reply:I like the first one and it would take less long to complete. The Omega fatty acids one is good but it would take years of data to see if it really affects ur memory

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