Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I need to formulate a research question from the topic job satisfaction and personal happiness?

Organizational research topic

I need to formulate a research question from the topic job satisfaction and personal happiness?
Talk about Maslow's Heiarchy of needs. (you know, the base being air and things you must have to be alive progressing to the point where after all the other needs are meet you are so comfortable that you have the ability to strive for your goals and serve others.)

Basically what your question is asking is really just explain Maslow's theory and how that can relate to job satisfaction and personal happiness. Because in order to have that satisfaction and happiness you need to understand all that goes into it, safety, health, acceptance, etc. It's a fastinating theory and you are bound to get interesting, deep, and thoughtful responses as opposed to a student just BS-ing their way through something. It requires brain power ;)
Reply:How does ones 'personal happiness' compare to 'job satisfaction' in XXX societies, organizations ... the 'simple' question is always the 'best' in an 'research question.'
Reply:Try: "Do you look forward to going to work in the morning?"

human teeth

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