Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Research paper topics...?

I've been given only a week to write a research paper (about anything) for my English class. I'm limited to only 750-950 words, and it seems like any topic that I consider I will have too much to write about. I need a topic that's easy, simple, and and can be thouroughly written about in 750-950 words.


Research paper topics...?
Anything can be condensed. Pick anything. If you still can't do that pick a part of the big topic.

I.e. The topic of sports

Shrink that to one sport - say, Baseball

You can then shrink Baseball to one aspect of it or one person - say Babe Ruth

If you really want short stuff:

- do a short Bio of someone

- write a short paper about Yahoo Answers and it's advantages and disadvantages

- write about the history of Halloween

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