Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I need a research topic for a college English class and my mind is blank?

I know that I am putting too much thought into it any suggestions will help.

I need a research topic for a college English class and my mind is blank?
What effect did Salinger's book "Catcher in the Rye" have on American pop culture? There is so much out there, I don't see how you could have a blank mind.
Reply:If it is an open subject, it is always good to go with your interests. You will always be able to draw from your own knowledge on the subject, and you will know where the best sources are. If that doesn't help you, I've always wanted to do a research paper on Celtic mythology. Your free to use that one if you like. Take care.
Reply:Do you have a general area you're working with in class? If not, professors are very impressed when you introduce a little of your own theory work with a piece of literature. Select a novel you feel comfortable with, research what other scholars are saying about it, and offer your own theories. Study critical theory a little and choose a paradigm (ex. feminist theory, marxism, queer theory. etc.). I can recommend several works- A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf (feminist perspective) or Katherine Philips' Friendship poems (espeically those she wrote to Lucasia)- with this topic, research the definition of platonism, sapphism and determine whether you feel her friendship poems are platonic or homosexual in nature. I highly recommend subscribing to a site that will allow you to review articles written by scholars. It usually costs a little money, but it's well worth it. Just researching on the internet proves fruitless because any "Joe Blow" can post a website or an idea. I hope this helps. I'm an English major and would love to help you with any other questions...
Reply:I'm not sure what kind of parameters you have been given, but the topic that has been closest to my heart lately is Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. It is considered an "orphan disease" that affects 1 in 200,000 children. Because it is so rare, there is no government funding for research. We don't know the cause of it, but chemotherapy seems to help some children recover. I can get you plenty of internet resources if this sounds like something you want to research. I'll leave you one to start with for now.

I guarantee you no one else will have chosen this topic. It'll be new, and English teachers always appreciate that.
Reply:"English Majors Burnout Syndrome"

Describe how, when it comes time to write a research paper, suddenly the students' minds go blank from all the pressure despite their being really brite students with potential;

list the factors causing the stress,

and how each student copes with it differently,

and do a statistical analysis of what percentage of students feel exactly as you do right now

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