Friday, July 16, 2010

What are the possible interesting topics for high school research paper?

Check out They have some great topics that I've used in the past. Each topic has three good sources to get you started on the research, too.

What are the possible interesting topics for high school research paper?
A History of Paper.

How the anti static dryer sheet was created

Grub Worms. More than a meal.

200 years of Dirigibles.

The Adventurous life of the leaf cutter.

The History of vinegar

Changes in British dental habits throughout the ages

Advances in soil mechanics 1907 - 2007

The Creation of Mucilage
Reply:I did a reseach paper on transvestites. You can find a lot of information on this topic and the cool thing is that it's not a very known topic. I also did a research paper on abortion. the types..the harms..etc..
Reply:As a former history teacher, let me suggest two that are very interesting topics and information is readily available. (1) the California Gold Rush and (2) Transportation improvements in the 19th century--but you have to narrow this down to a more limited period of time.

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