Friday, July 16, 2010

Research paper topics?

My high school is requiring a senior project of the student's choice in order to graduate, which includes a research paper on a topic related to the project. For my project, I am casting, directing, and producing a children's play to be performed for the students at a local elementary school. I've got that part down, but I need an idea for a paper topic. Please help.

Research paper topics?
think of something of importance that elementary school kids can learn from. Like perhaps the importance of say.. studying to succeed in school. Play could have a studier, person going to graduate and good stuff and a loser who doesnt study and wont graduate with bad report show differences.. paper can be on study skills.. what they are etc..

or pick another topic of something you can teach to this audience to provide a lesson that you would have liked to have known then.. some things may not be age appropriate like getting into just say no to drugs and sex etc... thats why i thought about the importance of studying..
Reply:Do a topic on theatre! Pick a really popular show that was performed for children like Annie and write a paper about that.
Reply:Pushing young people to perform in public, how does this affect their self-esteem.

Children actors, do they enjoy their work or does it detract from them enjoying a childhood.

Casting, the horrors of having to say "no".

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