Friday, July 16, 2010

Suggestions for research paper topics?

i know a lot of people have one coming up and i need help with a topic. something interesting that hasnt been used over and over. if you can't think of something just type random words to get your two points. i just need to get the ball rolling.

Suggestions for research paper topics?
space programs and congress -how much waste is computer technology generating?- health benefits of yoga - why doesn't the US switch to UNICODE from ASCII?- the Jena 6: racism is alive and well
Reply:Obesity in America
Reply:history of.....

a certain band you like

a favorite actor/actress

a nation

a religion

a war

Reply:The rise in will get some good information as there was just a case won that the vaccinations caused the autism in a child.
Reply:-what makes a hero

- the possibilities of goverment conspericies --%26gt; wrote my paper on that and well it cinfused the hell out of my teacher got an A

go for somthing that theres alot of information about

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