Monday, July 12, 2010

What are some unique research paper topics???????

working on my first research paper please help me find a topic

What are some unique research paper topics???????
-Couvade/male pregnacy/sympathetic pregnancy

-politics of music (I did heavy metal, you could do any genre)

-I'm currently writing a paper on Bob Marley's album Exodus

-counterfits contaminating America's drug supply

-education in the prison system

-food in the military/space (NASA), some say that the PBJ sandwich was invented by US troops in WWII.

that's all I can think of. email me if you want help on the first few.
Reply:Well what are you interested in learning about? Do something that you would learn from and also maybe know a little bit about.

thats a good topic cuz its co-ed (;

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