Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Any good research topics?

Whenever I assign this assignment to my students, I usually have them choose their research topics. I ask them what they are curious about and then help them create a brainstorm to help them with ideas and then eventually an outline to help them organize their essay.

Any good research topics?
For what age? One I've had a great deal of success with is a dream or goal the student has. It could be a career they want to have, a vacation they'd like to take, or just something they'd like to accomplish. For example, one girl wanted to own the biggest house in Malibu one day. We looked up what houses sold for in Malibu and then looked into what's necessary to buy or build a house. We contacted realtors and contractors to figure out how much it would cost, etc. It turned out to be a really interesting paper.

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