Friday, July 16, 2010

Possible topics for a Women's and Gender Studies research paper?

The class is gendered perspective on cultural issues (200 level). I can't think of anything to write the essay on. In the class we've looked and fundamentalism, globalism and militarism (online activism is also an option). She says that there will be four foci-- racism, sexism, homophobia and economic oppression.

Possible topics for a Women's and Gender Studies research paper?
Perhaps women in Islamic societies, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. They have very difficult lives.
Reply:How about "ageism" as a topic relating to economic oppression? As women age, those dependent upon Medicare receive less care than younger women who do not depend upon the govt for medical insurance.
Reply:Feminism in the Transsexual Woman. a take on womanhood from the perspective of people who were not biologically born woman
Reply:I think that it would be interesting to focus on homophobia because many homophobes persist with the notion that being Lor G is somhow being at odds with your biological gender. Or maybe go one step further into transphobia - there are many feminists who are utterly vile about transsexuals.

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