Friday, July 16, 2010

I am doing a 20 page research project and i will like to know what will be some interesting topics?

Interesting Topics please......Something to intrigue ones mind...not to easy for good topics that can be 20 pages long ....

I am doing a 20 page research project and i will like to know what will be some interesting topics?
Eating disorders. There are a lot of really unique kinds- not just your average anorexia or bulimia. For example, there are people who are afraid of choking and there are people who chew their food and spit it out. It would be interesting for people to read because it is very extreme. You could talk a lot about the basics and then get into the more complex.

Hope I helped! : ]
Reply:How the proposal for congestion pricing in NY City was defeated.

Why reality television seems to dominate network television.

The history of music downloads and their effect on the music industry.

Whether Anne Frank's diary is a forgery.

Did the US really put men on the moon?

Was Martin Luther King really killed by James Earl Ray?

Should Russia join the European Economic Community?

Does alcohol prohibition for 18-20 year olds save more lives than banning driving for this age would save?

How to start an Internet business.

How to use the Internet to do your homework without plagiarism.
Reply:World War II, musicians (Mozart, Beethoven), artists (da vinci, van gogh) for the last two you can do their lives, impact, and influence in today's culture in art/music.
Reply:yea id say wars

Adolph Hitler

famous people






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