Monday, July 12, 2010

What are some interesting research paper topics?

I have to come up with 20 different topic ideas for my high school softmore english class research report and I'm running out of ideas. We can do pretty much any topic, but its NOT supposed to be argumentative/ controversial or anything.

Some of my interests include:



culture (of other countries; pop culture)

art (mainly photography, media art)

but it would be good to have some variety with political/ philosophical/ scientific topics too.

Can someone just throw around some random ideas to help me? I've already written down some things that interest me, but I still need a few more.

What are some interesting research paper topics?
Were native Americans really "savages"?
Reply:Here are a few things that are not controversial.

How people are discovery alternative health reasons for healing using Reiki, acupuncture, and herbs.

What is it like to become a woman President according to Hillary Clinton's views.

Why some women prefer men hairstylist over women.
Reply:audrey hepburn? (fashion)

the history of woodstock festival (music)

asian culture like china or japan (cultures)

andy warhol (art, photography, media art)

eugenics= making the perfect human (philosophical)


i dunno but good luckk!! :D
Reply:teen pregnancy

drunk driving

influence of the media on teen girls (anorexia, bulimia)

These are some I did freshman/sophomore year, for health
Reply:"The history of women in politics"

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