Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What would be an interesting topic to use to write a 15 page research essay?

I have to write a 15 page research essay on any topic I choose. I am interested in science topics, but also strange ones like aliens, UFOs and myths....any ideas?

What would be an interesting topic to use to write a 15 page research essay?
How about all the ways recycled products are being made? People don't realize HOW many items can be recycled and kept out of landfills, and how many products are being made (clothing, park benches, plastic consumer goods, etc.). A good argument for more extensive recycling as well.
Reply:You should try something on maybe witches in Salem Mass. That would be fun. Or you could do a biography of your best friend, (if that would work) You can do something on greek gods/godesses.
Reply:Paranormal is always interesting to me, even though I don't really believe in it. Here is a good site. There is a lot about cemeteries but scroll down.

Reply:Pretty random this..but lots of info available...HITLER'S GENERALS
Reply:diseases, their medications, and the effects of the diseases and medications on the body.

ex: narcolepsy: nervous system disorder, medications known to cause sudden adult death etc.
Reply:Global warming is on everyone's agenda these days.

Alternative energy/fuel is a related hot topic.

The recent symposium on UFOs is topical.


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