Friday, July 16, 2010

Can you suggest some interesting topics for a library research paper?

any topic which is interesting.i thought of a lot of topics but my insructor wont approve any of it.can you help me? thanks a lot!

Can you suggest some interesting topics for a library research paper?
Is George Bush genetically related to monkeys
Reply:Its gotta be something YOU are intrested in so you wont get bored and do a bad job on it
Reply:I assume your talking about LIBRARY and not Internet. Anyway, what about " How has the English language usage changed in the last 50 years?". By that, I mean how has colloquialisms changed how people talk. For example, SMS is almost a completely different language. Also, some of the "words" used here are almost a dialect of English. If possible, see if you can get your parents to remember how people spoke in the 60s or 70s ( I don't know their age). Basically I'm saying how do people talk differently throughout various decades.

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