Friday, July 16, 2010

I need a real good research topic for my com 125 class?

We can do the research paper on any topic we choose. I have never writen a research paper, so I don't know what to write about. Some things taht intrest me are that I like reading about true crimes, I like watching shows about crime, court, and Dna. If I would choose any of theese what would I focus on. Please give me some ideas, I have to come up with a topic by tommorrow so I can fill out my research plan.

I need a real good research topic for my com 125 class?
write about the anna nicole circus. it's got it all. DNA, Drugs. Death.
Reply:Well, I don't know what com 125 stand for, but if you're interested in true crime there's a lot you can do a research paper on.

1) You could do a research paper on the history of using DNA evidence in court. When was it first used in a trial? How many trials today depend on DNA evidence? What are the pros and cons of using DNA evidence? What is the science behind DNA evidence? How exactly does a hair or a skin sample get processed for DNA?

2) Celebrity justice. Do celebrities and the wealthy receive lighter sentences or less convictions than regular people? What about regular people who become celebrities from their trials, like the Menendez brothers or Scott Petersen? Look at the history of celebrities going to trial and see if there's been a change over the past century or so.

3) How about something on solving crimes from the past, like "Cold Case." How do people solve murder investigations from 100 years ago?

4) Forensic anthropology. It's a fascinating field. I think the character on "Bones" is basic on someone who is a forensic anthropologist.

false teeth

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