Friday, July 16, 2010

♥research paper over the Civil War... What topics should i put in it?♥?

Do your Civil War paper on The Sanitary Commission.This was organized by civilians, predominately women, who recognized that the needs of soldiers recovering from disease and injury were not being met by the army's medical system and that camp infrastructure needed to be changed to insure healthier living conditions.

I think you will find allot of info and will enjoy the research.

♥research paper over the Civil War... What topics should i put in it?♥?
Those which you consider to be most significant.

Add Andersonville to your list of POW Camps. The Commandant, Wurtz, was the ONLY man tried and hanged for War Crimes after the War.
Reply:Why don't you go to the library and look up "Civil War Medicine" and do a paper on that? Or you can google it on the 'net. Lots of fascinating stuff there nobody else in your class will think of. For instance, have you ever heard the term "bite the bullet"? It never, ever happened! Did you know that out of over 622,000 who died as a result of the war, only a third died of wounds - that the most casualties were due to disease, most commonly diarrhea? Why d'you suppose that was? Can you name the only woman ever to win the Medal of Honor? (Doctor Mary Edwards Walker of Oswego, New York)

What was meant by "Laudable pus"? Why didn't men who had infections get antibiotics? What did Stonewall Jackson really die from?
Reply:The cause, resolution, battles....please be more specific?? The entire Civil War is a very broad topic...
Reply:Economic Advantages Sought.
Reply:As a Civil War buff i will say these are great topic

technology developed during the war and how it changed the warfare

Tactic each side uses to try and win the war

the beginning of modern warfare (TOTAL WAR)

Significant of major battles such as Manassas (known as battle of bullrun), Gettysburgh, Vicksburg, battle for fort sumter, battle of bentonville and so on.

Medication during the war

Women's role (some were soldiers , some were nurses)

Outcomes of the war if things go Confederate's way.

comparing the presidents

slaves during the war

Prisoner of War camps (camp Douglas and camp Lawton both were notorious)

Myth and Facts of Civil War

William T Sherman
Reply:courage losses gains

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