Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are some good topics for an American Goverment Research paper?

Something like Big issues in American Govement, but more with detailed( the topic).

What are some good topics for an American Goverment Research paper?
corruption. thats very topical.
Reply:Immigration is a big issue, also Iraq policy, %26amp; don't foget the wide open Presidential race which hasn't happened in some decades.

Hope these help.
Reply:Here's one ... I'd love to see the final product too, because I've often discussed it with one of our local government teacher.

Look up the "Full faith and credit" clause in the constitution. That essentially says that a contract legally enacted in one state is legal in all states. So, if you get married in New York, you are married in the other 49 states as well.

The issue is, if one state allows gay marriage, then is that couple legally married in all states? Yes or no? (No, I'm not gay, but I found this a most interesting constitutional conundrum.)

P.S. The government teacher and I both agree that this will cause a mess somewhere at some point!
Reply:I'm not sure what you want. Are you talking about how government works or what problems it faces? There are literally thousands of topics, ranging from the difference between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to how the deficit is calculated, to the role of the Electoral College, to the history of the Vice-Presidents, to the story of the only two Presidents ever to be impeached (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton). Current problems include the war, the economy, social issues like gay marriage, and the fact that Medicare is going broke. All of these have some government element to them.

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