Friday, July 16, 2010

What would make a good research topic for a college research paper?

From my own experiences I've noticed that many college students don't understand what their professor expects in a research paper. Many students simply think that a research paper is a report--taking a bunch of information and putting it on paper. Instead, a research paper should prove something to your professor. I did my first research paper about how Alexander Hamilton was very instrumental (perhaps the most instrumental) in establishing the Constitution. Since many people normally think of James Madison as the most important person, it was my job to prove to them that Hamilton was equally important.

You don't want to write one about something that everybody knows (common knowledge), nor do you want to write something that does not prove a point (your thesis). There are many possibilities to write your paper on. Here are a few:

1) Argue for or against electronic books (taking books in the traditional paper form and putting them on a computer).

2) Argue for or against possible life on other planets.

3) Explain why the "No Child Left Behind" program is necessary or why it needs to be changed or removed.

Just remember, if you have a statement that you're trying to prove to your reader, use good sources and put actual facts into the argument to prove your point. Don't back up your opinion with more opinions. Good luck!

What would make a good research topic for a college research paper?
it depends on your field and what the prof. asked and how long it should be and how it is written.

what field are you going into and take it from their.
Reply:When I was in college, I used Bonnie %26amp; Clyde as my research topic for term papers in Composition, Technical Report Writing, and Public Speaking - as well as for Criminal Justice and Corrections classes.

Their story is infinitely fascinating, and no matter how deep you delve into it, you can never know it ALL! It NEVER gets boring, and the subject may be approached from many levels.
Reply:Mold, I have not seen so much of it lately from the weather find out how it grows and what it eats
Reply:The Reconquest of Spain.
Reply:Well I am doing the death penalty right now and I am not that into it. I found that there is not very much interesting stuff about it. My advice is to find something that interests you. So it will be easier to research.
Reply:It depends on what you like. If you're into science then look at the mars rovers. If you're into history the the Great Siege of Malta would be great. So it all depends on what you like.
Reply:whatever you pick, make it somthing you are really intersted it. i could be something like the Romaov Dyasty, or great MGM movies, but it has to be somthing you are willing to do a lot of reserach on. Personally i would choose how flim as affected us through the years.
Reply:It depends on what the class is......if its history, something historical that interests you and so on.

human teeth

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