Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What topics would interest you in a phone-in radio discussion programme?

I am creating a phone-in radio discussion programme for my media coursework and am doing an alternative form of primary research!

What topics would interest you? Please answer if you are aged 16 - 22, as that is my target age range.

Thanks for your help!!

What topics would interest you in a phone-in radio discussion programme?
personally for me; football debates, politics, relationships (family, friends and partners), presenting answers to dilenmas from the audience with the presenter and the audience contributing. diseases among young people (this would be apt for your range group) that needs raising awareness especially sexual transmitted diseases. perhaps every month, an inspirational speaker who has been successful who offers tips and advice to your audience in terms of career. erm..... social problems such as poverty, robbery, and equalising world inequalities. perhaps someone who comes in once a week to discuss about specialist subjects related to male and female, like cars and fashion. also topics on films, dvds, and tv programmes that are prevalent within your age group such as.... i don't know but i watch Lost. for example. thats all i can think of at the moment
Reply:How people use the internet to do their assignments instead of being creative all by themselves and how people are doom to fail in life if they continue that behavior.
Reply:I am 19. I would be interested to discuss gender based issues. Im into supporting females in the many difficulties we face in life.

i would also be interested in pograms that discuss current affairs, like the australian shark bite, Seril killers, Saddam Hussein, I would also be interested in a topic on Oprah Winfrey.
Reply:Celebrity culture....... why does the mass of society look up to these false idols?

I would phone into a radio show that looked into this phenominon.... and then set about encouraging people to look aspire to be something, rather than someone.

I am 22 by the way.. down with Jade Goody.
Reply:Dating is always fun to listen and/or talk about.

BF/GF problems, single life, ect....
Reply:im 24 but i think a good topic would be relationships and problems, like dc fox when he was on brmb.

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