Monday, July 12, 2010

Any ideas on how to find a good research mock proposal topic, probably in stem cells/development?

It can't be related to my dissertation work so I can't use topics I already know a lot about! That's the biggest problem. So I need to come up with a brand new idea from something I'm not working on. It needs to be in the general area of embryonic stem cells and/or development. At first I was thinking cardiovascular type development but I think I could even expand to different areas of development/differentiation. Usually I come up with my next "line" of research based on what actual research I'm doing, but this must be unrelated. I'm just trying to become an "expert" in every possible field now so I know where the good areas to explore are but that's like trying to do 100 PhDs at once! I have been reading like crazy but I could sure use some more expert advice. If anyone has any good avenues to explore or papers/groups to watch let me know. Any ideas or suggestions? ...How to approach?


Any ideas on how to find a good research mock proposal topic, probably in stem cells/development?
I didn't rely on reviews to find my mock proposal. I read current issues of Science/Nature/Cell/Neuron (or whatever you have at hand) till I found something interesting. Then I just asked what should be done next.

Then you can use reviews of the topic to get you up to speed before you dive into the primary literature concerning the topic you are going to propose.
Reply:Your best bet is to play with the search engine on pubmed and make sure you specify review papers. Reviews are much easier to understand. They're not too technical, have a lot of background and usually have some theory at the end where you can get your ideas for a fictional proposal. You might wanna play with the search terms to narrow the choices or select some reviews from famous journals like nature and science.

human teeth

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