Monday, July 12, 2010

Does anyone know any good topics for a research paper in the 1700's?I want to make a cool research paper.Help!

Im making a report for language Arts.

Does anyone know any good topics for a research paper in the 1700's?I want to make a cool research paper.Help!
Check out this link, it covers all of that era during Colonial Times,

For World History check out this site
Reply:Marie Antionette's life or life at the palace of Versailles could make a good paper. The development of Baroque art was in the 1700's. You could do a paper on the scandals in court life related to the arts of the time.
Reply:How about women writers and intellectuals? Women were becoming very outspoken during that time-- even spawned a derogatory term based on an off-university salon called the Bluestockings. Very interesting bunch of gals, they were. Eventually, any woman who "read too much" by male standards of femininty were called bluestockings, kinda like being called a geek--only worse. Like being called a feminazi today.
Reply:What I think would be interesting for the time period is to do a comparison / contrast of the major developments of Asia, Africa, Europe, North %26amp; South America all at the same time. Depending on the length / word requirement, you could write a dissertation on this. Most history courses focus on a specific region and time frame, where as you could combine several into one. Best of luck to ya.

Or you could even narrow it down, and do the same topic, but use countries instead of continents . . . . say like the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Germany, China, Brazil, Egypt.
Reply:Spanish exploration and settlement of what is now the American West. In 1776, Spanish missionaries were wandering around Utah trying to figure out how to get to Monterey.
Reply:Pick people who inspired the American Revolution and detail their part(s) in Thomas Payne. John Hancock, and tie them in with the more popular figures of that time, to give a good view of how the common citizen viewed the Revolution
Reply:Take a look at the colonies development with respect to slavery. Lot's of History with John Law...and Louisiana....
Reply:Deism is a fun topic.

Why Vermon was not allowed to be one of the 13 original colonies and had to wait 2 years would be one.

The "real" battle of Bunker Hill would be one.

The unique nature of T. Jefferson's relationship w/ his slave mistress

Oh - and if either side of your family traces back to then, show them how you went back to it.
Reply:How about one of these....Industrial, American or French Revolutions. Like the 1850 to 99 line this line is dominated by events in a relatively small span of time (all of those revolutions)......Flo

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