Monday, July 12, 2010

Help!!! History Research Paper topics???

I have to write a 15 page historical research paper using only primary sources. I need ideas on topics that will have plenty of good sources. Preferably something on Foriegn affairs or court cases.

Help!!! History Research Paper topics???
Doing something like a court paper could be as easy as contacting a friendly local prosecutor for the courts. He or she could direct you to some interesting cases, persons involved, etc.

Another source to consider is family members who are military veterans. They can give you interesting details to flesh out a research paper on history, and you might just learn that you have some pretty interesting acquaintances.

Don't be surprised if you learn Grandpa whomever, or Grandma might have done some pretty brave things in the war. They'll probably downplay what they did as "nothing" or just "my part", but I found out years later my Dad won a high award for bravery in the Korean War and he never admitted it to me while he was alive. I found it in his possessions after he died.

Be original, first hand accounts are very interesting for the reader, and use the action words to impart a feeling of drama to what you write.
Reply:The Louisiana purchase. That subject has about a million refrences books and all the good stuff. Good luck!
Reply:Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 is a good one; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS (1954) is a great Supreme Court case.
Reply:Why not hit on the current conflict. Islam, the Baath party, Saddam. Great research info available, check it out.

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