Monday, July 12, 2010

What is a good research topic for a paper?

requirements are:

it has to be around 6-8 pages

can be anything relating with world cultures current or past

EXCEPT anything dealing with canada.usa. and europe

and it has to be thesis driven

What is a good research topic for a paper?
The role of women in society in Middle Eastern countries. Many religions drive the role of women in society. Its a good paper (my senior thesis for my religion minor).
Reply:Greece is a very culture-driven country. You could talk about the Olympics and such, and how they have influenced culture today.

Another very culture-driven country is Ancient Egypt. This would be very interesting because you have the oppertunity to talk about pyramids, King Tut, and how it has affected historical researchers today.
Reply:liberation theology in latin america
Reply:mexican folk myths.. like traditions..

example: religion, aztecs, mayans, healings with eggs or rocks, sightings of virgin mary, worshiping of saints, ect...

good luck
Reply:You can do research on China's or Japan's work culture, traditions and search for the cultural answers as to how they became world's fastest growing nations economically.

(there are economic, and political reasons as well indeed, but there are cultural aspects that facilitated this growth as well, so you may want to state that you will only focus on culture in your paper while you are aware of other influences)

A classic work to look at on how culture affects the economy:

Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

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