Monday, July 12, 2010

Senior research paper topics-horse related?

So I am suposed to write a 5 page research paper on a topic that relates to my senior "project." My senior project is to make and sell rope halters. so im now having trouble coming up with a solid topic to write about. so far my ideas are:

New Training methods vs. Old school methods

Why So many people like natural horsemanship

training age controversey???

History of Combined training

But other than these pretty much open topics i cant think of anything else!!! so please any ideas or opinions to add on or add to?

Any ideas related to HORSES(not necessarily rope halters) that would have enough support for a 5-page paper.


Senior research paper topics-horse related?
I personally think the varying dynamics between disciplines is fascinating, and the basic underlying principles you can find despite the differences.

Age Controversy is good, as well...

I think something such as the controversy over eventing and its stress on the horse would be interesting, too. There are many who argue that it is abusive to the horse, but any eventer could tell you it is as enjoyable for the horse as it is for the rider.

The threatening of canceling out eventing as an Olympic sport
Reply:You could talk about different training methods and compare why rope halters work better for ground work/training than do flat nylon halters, then incorporate the different types or styles of rope halters and the different ways to make them and which you feel is more effective. The big name trainers each have their own designed rope halters that differ slightly from someone else's and there are different ways of making them. I know you said it doesn't have to be about rope halters, but this should give you quite a bit to write on and you can incorporate different things if need be and still tie it in with it sounding all right.
Reply:Sounds good, ah, senior project for 4h im assuming, yeah. we don't have to do that thank god. We are doing a block and bridle horse judging and Hipplogy contest.

But you can maybe research how some studies are starting to say they have more power than regular halters.

I have a rope halter, I only use it as baack up. But what I really like about it is that its baiscally one size fits all, and no halter rubs.

EDIT-Quit picking on horse racing. lol. what that has anything to do with rope halters I have no clue, but leave racing out of it. Its not as harsh as so many people who haven't done it make it out to be.
Reply:it would take me five pages to describe tying the fiadore alone

i've been out of school a long time, but i do remember doing papers on things i new and loved

go into great detail and look for new facts about the old things you love

dazzle them with b s

good luck
Reply:You could take a stand on horse racing- either in support or against.

For example, you could present the facade that horse racing presents: the big race tracks, the rich history, the hats, the roses, the "sport of kings," etc.

Then you could go into all the thoroughbreds who DON'T make it at racing- after a few unsuccessful attempts they are put in claiming races, retired, or sent (TO WHERE? SLAUGHTER? I think there was an example of an older Kentucky Derby winner who ended up at a Japanese stud farm, then was slaughtered when that didn't go so well). And then there are the successful horses who are retired after a few years to be at stud....And then of course all the injuries and dangers involved in the actual race.

Other ideas:

- the importance of the horse in history: transportation, war, farming, etc.

- The Lipizzaners (or any breed I guess)

good luck!
Reply:I think a good topic would be about the controversial issue of Premarin, Prempro, and Premphase. Hormone replacement.

The use of pregnant mare urine from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.

With subjects on;

The risk %26amp; danders of it's use

The abuse of the mares used

Over breeding

Useing alternative's

And on and on....

Theres a lot of info at
Reply:Try something about Botulism or toxins that can effect horses systems and body's. Another good one would be the huge progression of the Pleasure Horse Industry.

Good Luck on your paper!!!
Reply:I am not sure I could ever come up with enough to say about a rope halter to fill a 5 page report. However, you could do some research on what it would be like to own the business, and make your report more business oriented; ie, what it would cost to make the halter, the overheads, would you have any employees? How lucrative would it be? how many halters could you make in a day? How many could you sell and to who? businesses or individuals. Would you have your own shop or work from home.. ect ect.

I have written great reports on these horse topics:

Animal Rights in the Rodeo. Is it Humane? ( I obviously argued that it is humane..)

Talk about the amount of time a rough livestock works (in the arena) a year.

The investment the stock contractors make. --- big one!

The fact of on-site veterinarians.

ect ect


The Drug Premarin

- Premarin is a female horomone usually taken after a woman enters menopause. It is made from pregnant mares urine. These "Premarin farms" house pregnant mares and collect their urine for the drug. Research and write about how the horses are housed?, what do they do with all the babies?, Are there natural alternatives to the horomone they collect from the mare (which there are) that would eliminate the need for this paticular collection?

The Premarin topic is extensive. I wrote a 20 page paper on it with an A... Also, a HUGE eye opener..

Good luck
Reply:seems like you should have no problem with five pages as long as you use enough sources..quotations and paraphrasing..wait till college when its fifteen-twenty five pages ;0). I would try to decide on one topic so you can really come to a decisive conclusion that will help your senior project... here are some ideas

horse related injuries related to halters nylon vs leather

handling problems associated with different halters and handlers..

different halters for different uses( breed, show,grooming, breakaway)

price differences

which are more popular and why

where to get the different kinds

how to make

which you prefer and why

I could go on and on...but good luck

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