Monday, July 12, 2010

What's an interesting geographical topic to research on?

I have to do a bonus mark activity for my IHSS class, and was just thinking of taking in suggestions on what a good topic to work on would be. Any ideas, anyone? It has to be related to IHSS (Intergrated humanities and social sciences) Just give me a topic to research on. It should be interesting;D

Thank you!

What's an interesting geographical topic to research on?
disaster management, natural disasters , tsumanis

anything like this. you can search about the different natural and man made disasters and then precautions for them and you can name the few famous accidents. if u choose tsunami then your heading can be "the killer wave". you can mention the number of people effected by it. the socio economic problems caused by these calamities. there is a lot to do on it...
Reply:what about population migration? always interesting to see where people are going and why

"Terror on the High Seas: Asia's Modern Day pirates"

Piracy has long plagued the waters of Southeast Asia. During the 19th century the Malacca Strait was already an important waterway for ships traveling from India and the West to China. Today, a third of the world's trade passes through the narrow sea channel bordering Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. ♦The region and the surrounding seas of the Malay Archipelago are dotted with thousands of islets, narrow straits and sheltered rivers, all of which make perfect hideaways. ►This geographical fact, along with other factors, favored the rise of piracy: the geography of the Malay Archipelago makes effective sea patrol a daunting, if not impossible, task.... ◄♦

►High officials of IMB report that between 1991 and 1997, the complete seizure and hijacking of ships in international trade increased from one to fourteen and the dollar value of the property thus stolen grew twelve times over.

♦The coasts of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, and other narrow passages in the South China Sea, are the hot spots for worldwide piracy, accounting for nearly half of the economic loss in 1997.♦ The west coast of Africa is another area of concentrated pirate activity but the east coast nations of Somalia and Yemen are also experiencing it. ...◄

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