Monday, July 12, 2010

What is a good topic to study for research methods if my major is psychology?

I am a junior studying psychology and I take a research methods class and I am kind of stuck at finding a topic to research thats a major part of my grade.

What is a good topic to study for research methods if my major is psychology?
I dont know but i think it should be of interest to you. I am a junior as well and when i had to do my research projects i chose Major Depressive Disorder and (DID) Dissocitive Identity Disorder which is also known as multiple personality disorder. These topics are very interesting and i learned alot and my favorite is Dissociative Identity Disorder. You will find lots information. When doing my project, I brought in movies and played clips that pertained to Dissocitive Identity Disorder, movies such as Hide and Seek, Secret Window, Idnentity are all good picks. These are the movie scenes or clippings i showed and i got an A, hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!! :-)

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