Monday, July 12, 2010

What is a good research topic for Psychology!?

I have to do a research paper in Psychology and can only think of one idea but don't know if its any good. I need an A to pass this class the only idea that i kinda like is dogs and their emotions. Is this any good? Any other suggestions?

What is a good research topic for Psychology!?
Nature Vs Nurture?

Are Geniuses Really Born?

here is a good list of topics

This is a big, big list of academic theories, hypotheses, or whatever you want to call them, that have some bearing on persuasion. Think they're not 'real world' stuff? Check out why these explanations are real.
Reply:A good topis as per me would be on "Whether there are any real/biological differences in people who have ailments such as depression and OCD."

I feel thats a very strong topic as generaly speaking no medical tests or brain scans show any problem but the patients feel that there is definitely a real problem.

You could also research on what goes on in the mind of an intelligent person who wants to commit suicide and why he feels that his life is worthless.

You could also resrach on why social phobics depsite being normal and intelligent find their social withdrwal so bloody overpowing thay it ruinis their life and tales away all charm.

I would love to contribute if required.
Reply:I think that eating disorders are very interesting and they are very horrible things to have. You could do that or you could do lookism.
Reply:religious people thisnking style
Reply:It would depend what level you are at in psychology? Nature V Nurture is probably more for an intro, no? How about something along the cognitive approach, maybe experiments on a random sample. Tall people are generalised as successful, that could be your hypothesis.

People actually do believe that tall people are more successful. Its a generalisation. If your tall and wearing a suit-your earnin a pocket a year. Research it? hope thats of some help :)

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