Monday, July 12, 2010

What could be a good topic for my research project?

i'm a sophomore and we need 5 good topics for our experimental research. the topic are not already proved.

What could be a good topic for my research project?
Well, i would just like to suggest a topic for your experimental research that could not be too expensive and is environment friendly, and could catch the interest of your teacher..


1) Global Warming: its causes, its effects, and how it could affect the environment and humanity.

2) Environmental Conservation: how, in what way.

3)Pollution: on land, water, and air: how to reduce pollution, its effects, and how it affects our nature....

4)Endangered Species: how to preserve, how to reproduce,... the threat of being endangered..

5) Illegal Logging: cause, effects on nature, results, possibilities, threat to animals and human...

You must start a topic with an introduction. Making your introduction interesting would catch the eye of a reader.

And add some useful informations that could make your experiment successful....

hope i'd helped...
Reply:I always find that the best topic is something I am really fascinated with or really like to read/learn about.

Find something that really gets your attention.

Its not always good to ask other people what topic you should use, you'll find that if you don't find it interesting you won't be able to stand researching it.
Reply:contental drift ,global warming, the effects of alpha and beta radation, why genetic diseases are recessive or dominate, and why they skip certain generations

Some may have been proven, but I only a freshman
Reply:why am i so dumb, have too ask other ppl for a topic. a good topic would be something you truly care about

broken teeth

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