Monday, July 12, 2010

I Need help with a research topic about Muscular Dystrophy?

I'm doing a research paper/poster on Muscular Dystrophy and I'm not really sure about how to go about this. I have found some information about the topic but no that gives me enough information about the topic. If you know any info on Muscular Dystrophy or can help me find any please let me know.

I Need help with a research topic about Muscular Dystrophy?
Jerry Lewis... the King of Comedy.

google it!


just two weeks ago we had to do a reasearch project on disesases and they gave us a whole list of sites. my friend got muscular dystrophy and i got osteoporosis, but everyone was able to use the same sites
Reply:break that big subject into more manageable subtopics, this will help organizing and letting you know what areas need more information has a decent breakdown

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