Monday, July 12, 2010

Does anyone know any sociological topics on relationships and links that will help with research?

this is a essay i have to write for my sociology class if anyone can help will really apreciate it! thanks

Does anyone know any sociological topics on relationships and links that will help with research?
Do you mean romantic relationships only? Or all personal relationships? Because if it's all personal relationships, Georg Simmel has some really great theories on network analysis and the geometry of social life. In rural life, people's networks are small and similar to eachother, but in urban life, people have large and unique social and occupational networks and relationships, which leads to individualization.

If you mean only romantic and sexual relationships, let me know and I'll check my notes from my Sex class.
Reply:1) Domestic Violence: Race and Gender Influences

3) Intimate Stalking
Reply:interacial (sp) relationships,

or teen age love!

and just google it!

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