Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Topic for a research paper surrounding Family or love?

My english teacher wants us to do a research project based on the material we have been reading. Most of the things we have read have been about Family and love. Her example of a reseacrh question to be answered was "Can all people love"? I dont want to do this one. Can anyone give me any research questions or topics revolving around family or love?

Topic for a research paper surrounding Family or love?
Perhaps you could do a research paper on whether the Maternal Bond is greater than the Paternal Bond. Or how society has been effected by more single parent families. Or research the best methods for a blended-family (step family) to bond.

You could research birth order and personalities.

It sounds like a very broad topic. I am sure you will do well once you decide on a specific area.

Good luck.

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