Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can anyone help me pick a research topic/question?

The topic must be related to criminal justice. Something interesting that has not been studied as much. I need something that won't be so hard for me to come up with my own research design. THANKS!

Can anyone help me pick a research topic/question?
Mental disorder vs. sociopathology/social maladjustment:

The extent to which certain mental disorders may hold up in a court of law as reasons for choosing mental health rehabilitative services as opposed to punitive measures (imprisonment).
Reply:How about the effects of the legalization of marijuana on the population?

Or sentencing of powered cocaine vs. crack cocaine?
Reply:How poorly was the Duke Lacrosse Case handled?

You have a rogue DA making inflamatory remarks, facing ethics charges.
Reply:I would discuss the Duke Lacrosse Case. I would focus on how the type of behavior exhibited by the prosecutor is very similar to behavior of prosecutors in cases involving minorities. My thesis would be that the only reason this case has received so much attention is because the suspects were upper-class white kids who's parents hired big money lawyers. I would not condone the prosecutor's actions, but just say they are fairly representative of the system and usually nobody cares. You could point out the many cases of false imprisonment and police abuse that have, after many years, been exonerated due to continued efforts of legal aide organizations.

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