Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anyone able to suggest some truly unique topics for a research paper?

I would have a lot less trouble writing them if I could ever come up with something not overdone and something that I could actually learn from which is the point.

Anyone able to suggest some truly unique topics for a research paper?
I did one on Bollywood in Indian culture. It was a lot of fun because I learned more about a different culture and really how Bollywood was effecting Indian culture and spreading to American culture.
Reply:I got several, you research diseases affected by stem cell research, you look into interesting hobbies like painting, or scrapbooking. You research different groups related to animal conservation, or civil rights groups and their impacts on american society and world society
Reply:One of my favorites that I've done (that was quite original in it's time... I'm not so sure anymore, maybe?) -- It was titled: Mickey Mouse Manipulation and I researched how certain Disney movies effected a child's sociological psychology in the future.

tooth bleaching

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