Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is an interesting conductive research topic that deals with grandparent/grandchild relationships?

If you're doing quantitative data analysis, compare the stats on children receiving daycare from a grandparent vs. those in daycare centers with stats on children's test scores or incidence of depression or subjective description of the quality of their family relationships. For qualitative, you might look at attitudes of grandparents about how much contact they get with their grandchildren. Is it enough? Do they live too far away? Do the grandparents despair at the lack of family values or appreciation of hard work being imparted to their grandchildren?

What is an interesting conductive research topic that deals with grandparent/grandchild relationships?
Have as your hypothesis something like this;

That children raised by grandparents are spoiled kids. or Grandparents spoil their grandchildren.

or grandparents are more attached to their grandchildren than their own children.

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