Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is a good political science topic for my research paper?

I want to find a great topic to write on for my political science paper. We can write about anything as long as it has to do with political science...I'm from Canada living in Cali right now so I don't know a whole lot about poilitical science, I'm learning. I just need help with a topic then I can research it. Thank yoU!

What is a good political science topic for my research paper?
talk about the situation in iraq- specifically winning the hearts and minds of the people in order to create stability.

google these words " hearts and minds, stability, iraq)


is a decent article

good luck eh?
Reply:You should write about the grass-roots peace/political action group CodePink. Check them out at www.codepinkalert.org. You'll be glad that you did!
Reply:You could write about your Governor, Arnold Schwartznegger, about any major changes he's made in CA politics or maybe how he, as a former actor, was elected governor of the state. Not only will this teach you more about how our system works, you will know more about your own state. Or if you find a particular ballot measure he was instrumental in bringing about, you could do it on that.

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